Steam ironing station: Faster and smoother

Put the right pressure on: the better the steam pressure, the better the result. Because with more power, the steam also penetrates deeper into the fabric and ensures perfect smoothness when ironing. Your steam ironing station should therefore generate at least 3 bar. You will probably rarely need more than 6 bar for private use.

Release steam: The steam released by the steam ironing station is indicated in grams per minute. More steam also brings better ironing results, but water consumption and tank volume must be taken into account. The steam output should be at least 90, preferably 100 to 140 grams per minute. You will be doing delicate laundry a favour if you have a machine with adjustable steam output.

Fill the tank: Depending on the amount of laundry, you will need more or less water in the tank. Most models have a volume of between one and two litres. If the water tank is transparent, you can see the fill level at all times. And if it can be removed from the station, you can fill it more easily under the tap.

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Power on: As far as the performance of the ironing station is concerned, the calculation is simple: plenty of power makes the appliance ready for use faster and gets you through the mountain of laundry quickly – but in view of increased energy costs, it is a question of economy. In this context, the heating time also plays a role in the purchase decision. Many models are ready to go after two minutes.

Now it’s time to iron: Look for a handpiece that is as ergonomically shaped as possible. Depending on the price, the soleplate can be made of different materials. Many inexpensive handpieces of steam ironing stations have aluminium soles. However, stainless steel, special alloys and ceramics have better gliding properties. Whatever you choose: If the soleplate starts to get dull after frequent use, simply iron crumpled aluminium foil smooth. You will be surprised!

Extras welcome: If you want maximum convenience, you only have to shell out a little more at the time of purchase and you’ll get useful extras like a drip stop and specialised ironing programmes. If you opt for the Eco mode with an extra investment, you can save big when using the ironing station later.